Low foaming carpet shampoo for steam extraction machines
General Characteristics:
SHAMPEX is a pleasantly perfumed alkaline blend of nonionics, phosphates and alcohols, suitable for soil extraction of carpets using steam cleaning machines
SHAMPEX is ideal for effective cleaning of all types of applications where excessive foaming can be a nuisance. The special surfactants incorporated in SHAMPEX dissolves and lifts off dirt. It imparts a fresh and new look to carpets and cleans effectively even in heavy traffic areas. The coupling solvents and phosphates formulated into SHAMPEX help in easy and fast cleaning. It is advised to test the colour fastness of the material before use of SHAMPEX for safety reasons.
Appearance: Clear perfumed liquid
Sp. Gr. At 25 deg C: 1.06 ± 0.01
pH: 5.5 ± 1
Areas of applications:
SHAMPEX can be used for the effective cleaning of all types of carpets in offices, apartments, private residence, etc.
Method of applications an Dilution:
It is recommended to thoroughly vacuum the carpet with the help of a powerful industrial vacuum cleaner before application. If any spots are present on the carpet, it is better to first try and clean the soiled areas. Later on the entire carpet can be cleaned with SHAMPEX. For moderate soiling 1:25 upto 1:50 with clean water will be ideal.
Safety Precautions:
The use of gloves and eye glasses are recommended.
If eye contact occurs, flood the eye with cleaned cool water for 15 minutes and seek medical attention.
If ingested, give plenty of water and seek medical advice. Spillages of SHAMPEX should be flushed thoroughly with water as even dilute solutions of SHAMPEX are slippery. As far as possible avoid spillages of neat product on the carpet directly.
Customers are advised not to reuse empty containers and are advised to destroy or dispose them promptly. In case of ingestion seek medical advice promptly.
SHAMPEX is available in 5 ltr cans packed four in a carton
NOTE : Use this information sheet only as a guide for the use of this product. The information provided is in accordance with the latest technical developments. We do not accept responsibility for any work carried out with this product as we have no control over the method of application used or the conditions at which the work was done.