General Characteristics:

Gardenia Sanishine Toilet Cleaner is an acidic liquid suitable for cleaning and removal of stains on toilet bowls and ceramic tiled floors in wash rooms.  It is concentrated, cleaning is quick and tedious scrubbing can be avoided.  It is highly effective in the cleaning of toilet bowls, drains, urinals and lavatories.  It can be effectively used to clean floors in washrooms.

Usage and applications:

GARDENIA Sanishine TOILET CLEANER can be at its best when used neat.  The cleaner can be either sprayed or poured onto the bowl.  Gentle brushing after about 10 minutes, followed by flushing will leave the bowl spotlessly clean. For cleaning floors, it is ideal to dilute GARDENIA SANISHINE TOILET CLEANER 1 : 5 upto 1 : 10 with clean water.  Detergent can be applied on the floor followed by a rinse after 15 minutes.  The detergent has to be used neat for removal of stains.


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Available Packaging
1 1 LTR 12*1 LTR